Castors and Wheels Manufacturer - industrial castors supplier - heavy duty castors supplier -  Taishan Castors and Wheels CO.,Ltd

Castors Manufacturer - China Castors Supplier - Taishan Castors and Wheels CO.,Ltd
Quality Assurance

Taishan has passed the ISO9001:2015 quality management system standard and has extremely strict material inspection, production inspection and finished product quality inspection processes.

On time delivery

Follow the agreed order cycle for each step of production and comply with the order contract.

Small Batch Orders

In order to cooperate with more customers, we accept orders with low minimum order quantity and wholesale price.

Competitive Price

Thanks to our high planning and control of raw materials, as well as the standardization of production processes, we have competitive prices on the premise of ensuring quality.

All Wheels Series

Visit our website. We have a wide range of wheels in European style.

You will find the castors you need.

Contact us, we'll be happy to help!

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Contact Us

We look forward to contacting you as a partnership to provide you with high quality castors.

Contact person: Kimi Chen


Service call: +86 17363297532

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